Our Version of color war

The AC Cup

The AC CUP is competition at its very best!

A session-long event, the entire camp is broken up into two teams - Maize and Blue. Facing off almost every night across a variety of games, our campers will test their athleticism, teamwork and character.The AC Cup brings to life the values of Academy Camps through healthy competition and fun events. It blends boys and girls from all four core sports and age groups. Sportsmanship, spirit, integrity, tradition, community and the art of winning gracefully and remaining positive in defeat are pillars of this amazing special event.

At the end of each session, only one team has the distinct honor of being crowned AC Cup champions. Being a humble winner is part of our approach, but bragging rights for the year are coveted.

AC Cup Events Include:

  • 3 Point & Slam Dunk Contest
  • World Ball
  • Ping-Pong
  • Track Meet
  • Tug-o-War
  • Scavenger Hunt
  • AC Chaos
  • Speed Lax
  • Volleyball
  • AC Trivia
  • Pickleball
  • Capture The Flag